Care United Johor Bahru Makes Merry for the Ones in Need

The festive food aid and toy drive with Invictus International School helped some families to join in the joy of giving


In conjunction with the upcoming festive season, Care United Johor Bahru (CUJB) has partnered with Invictus International School to carry out a food and toy drive to benefit underprivileged kids, orphans, sick children, and the Exodus Women’s Shelter.

Twenty-nine B40 families were identified in the surrounding Masai, Johor community, namely Kampung Pertanian Masai, where they received the above food aid package.

Twenty children in this community also received brand new toys to celebrate the festive season. In addition, the Exodus Women’s Shelter in Segamat, Johor benefitted from the Festive Food Aid assistance.

The remainder of the Invictus International School Food Drive, almost amounting to 1000 kg worth of various food items, was donated to Exodus Women’s Shelter.

Besides the food aid, Invictus International School also managed to collect 154 brand new toys to be distributed to underprivileged kids, orphanages, and sick children at the local hospital.

Each of the Festive Food Aid hamper has an estimated value of RM140.00 per family, consisting of a 10 kg bag of rice, 2 cans of sardines, 3 cans of evaporated creamer, 2 packets of instant noodles, 2 packets of dried noodles, 1 kg packet of Milo, 1 kg packet of flour, 1 kg bottle of oil, and 1 packet of cream crackers.

According to CUJB, the event was made possible thanks to the continued support of donors from the community at Invictus International School, who decided to help their surrounding community, orphans, sick children, and a shelter for battered/abused women and women with disabilities.

CUJB is hopeful that corporate partners and media partners will continue to support the community work done by them throughout the coming year.

Care United Johor bahru is proud to be involved in various community-building events, and welcome contributions from corporate organisations and the public to ensure to continue their efforts. They are a tax-exempt NGO, and all donations of RM51.00 and above are tax deductible.

Donations and collaborations are welcome, and those wanting to assist may give Care United Johor Bahru a call at 607-357 6899 or visit their Facebook page at