Block the Date with Mah Sing


As one of the leading property developers in Malaysia, Mah Sing has launched “i-GROW with Mah Sing” Online Business Talk Series where prominent expertise from multiple industries will brainstorm and discuss issues related to the current economy. This series consists of four (4) episodes, with each episode focusing on different topics.

The debut episode of this series will be held on 2nd Dec 2020, 4 pm to 5 pm, featuring  Shahzul Jayawirawan Bin Mohd Yunus, Director of the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) in Johor, Benjamin Ong, Chief Operating Officer of Mah Sing Group Berhad, and Goh Hen Yee, Regional Executive Director of YYC Johor. The remaining three (3) episodes will take place in Q1 2021. This series of business talks will be hosted and moderated by JC Cheah who is an AiFM DJ. In the first episode of this series, the panel will be focusing on investment trend insight and Budget 2021. The audience will be able to broaden their horizon with the first-hand information from our panel of speakers.

According to Benjamin, the pandemic has created a massive impact on the global economy. However, business owners shall see things from a different perspective and turn threats into opportunities by diversifying their businesses, as practised by Mah Sing Group Berhad. The pandemic has accelerated the growth of the digital industry, at the same time, proved that opportunities bud even during chaos. Business owners shall remain positive and resilient to survive in this new normal.

As an innovative leader in the property development industry, Mah Sing Group adapted rapidly to the new normal by switching their marketing and sales activities online, such as introducing virtual reality show units, social media marketing and many more. This is the reason why Mah Sing Group is still able to achieve profitable sales results despite the challenging market condition.

Mah Sing Group’s portfolio includes 50 developments across Malaysia. In the Southern Region, there are seven (7) developments under Mah Sing’s belt, covering various types of development like landed residences, high rise developments, shop offices, retail shops and industrial park. Mah Sing Group’s development focuses on affordability and quality.

Mah Sing’s i-GROW 360 Business Aid is a scheme specially created for business owners. This business aid includes various services like providing business advices, creating awareness for businesses, rewarding business owners and also providing event spaces. Mah Sing aims to grow with their clients and business associates, at the same time providing them assistance in dire times through i-GROW.

To register for the “i-GROW with Mah Sing” Online Business Talk Series, please log on to or call 07 291 3230.