As we approach the end of the monsoon season, here are some general electrical safety awareness & practices given by Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) to protect our family and to stay safe when it comes to water and electricity.
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Electrical Safety during the Flood Season
ENSURE all the power points are turned off, especially when you are about to leave the house.
LEAVE the wet electrical appliances alone; do not touch it for fear of your life. Let professionals see if it’s safe for you to use it.
AVOID any drainage or water puddle that has loose wire cables lying around. The electric current might still throb in there!

AVOID utility pole or any poles that are leaning down or falling over. Contact your nearest TNB to fix the issue a.s.a.p.
IF the Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) switches off while you are trying to switch it on, it might have some damage either in the box itself or installation at home. Get help from registered contractors to run a check.
SHOULD you go through a flood, remember to ask any registered electrical wiring contractor under Suruhanjaya Tenaga (ST) to help you check through your home’s installation and ensure its safety.
Avoiding Mishaps from Thunderstruck!

TRY to not be at a higher level of a ground especially at beaches and when you’re on a small fishing boat.
AVOID being at an open field like football field or outdoor car park.
STAY in your car to be safer when you are outside. Remember to roll the window up and always keep it closed.
AVOID staying near any water; don’t ever try swimming since electric wave from lightning arrestor might just roam within the water!
STAY away from shower place, sinks, electrical appliances, phones or any objects that might have wire connection from the outside.
One thing to always remember:
Keep an eye on your children so they won’t go near TNB’s feeder pillar and sub-station.
Credit: This informative listicle is excerpted from TNB’s General Electrical Safety Awareness & Practices pamphlet.