Are Sabah Frontliners in Need of Help?

Were NGOs in the way of government’s work? Pertubuhan Ihsan Johor answers.

Ihsan Johor
Malaysia Airlines (MAS) sponsored the flight of the first four of Ihsan Johor volunteers to Sabah

Semporna district in Sabah has recently become one of the most affected states during the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and Pertubuhan Ihsan Johor (Ihsan Johor) in a press statement stated that the state is still in need of humanitarian assistance post-Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO).

Ihsan Johor has supplied baby milk powder to Sabah in their phase 1 of aid. For phase 2, ten volunteers in collaboration with Semporna Heroes to Sabah with the first batch of a quartet to Tawau on 9th November, followed by the remaining volunteers along with 2,000kgs of donated items from Johor, carried out by Royal Malaysian Air Force.

They will serve for two weeks and will be under quarantine upon returning. Volunteers will be supplied with PPE while on duty as their main tasks are to assist in the hospital and quarantine centres in Semporna.

The missions were supported by Johor Menteri Besar, Datuk Ir. Hasni Mohammad and Johor State Tourism, Youth & Sports Exco, Datuk Onn Hafiz.

Ihsan Johor Rangers with other NGOs volunteers for mission to Sabah with the first batch of aid

One of the volunteers in the mission, Mohd Royhafizon Rahim Abdul Rahim, 31, said, “We believe with our experience, we can help Sabah flatten the curve so that our frontliners are not paralysed there.”

Farrah Faridah Baptist, Chief Executive Officer said, “In the spirit of #kitajagakita and #NoOneLeftBehind we believe that NGOs do not exist to replace the role of the government but instead we feel the responsibility to help fellow citizens by working with the government to do so.”

“The concept of #KitaJagaKita only emphasises that the crisis is so severe that all Malaysians are obliged to shoulder the responsibility of looking after each other’s welfare”, she added.

Follow Ihsan Johor Facebook accounts for updates on their work in Sabah (Ihsan Johor or Ihsan Johor Rangers). Donations or sponsorship for essential items for the affected residents of Sabah is still open. Contributions can be channelled to the Official Account of Pertubuhan Ihsan Johor (Maybank) 5512 0352 7725 or 0101 40100 67566 Bank Islam.

Pertubuhan Ihsan Johor is an NGO that was established in May of 2016 that focuses on promoting Volunteerism, Sustainable Volunteer Development and provide Humanitarian aid locally & abroad. They’re also a recipient of Iskandar Malaysia Social Hero Awards (IMSHA) 2018 under the Social Innovator (Organisation) category.