A Saving Grace for 20 Children

Yayasan Kebajikan Suria JB took the call for a last minute back to school preparation

A Saving Grace for 20 Children

Before the current academic year started, Sari Saujana Handicapped Children Home took 20 of their school-going children to Giant, Pelangi Leisure Mall for a last minute back to school shopping. The growing children needed new size of apparels especially shoes and uniforms. Tattered school bags needed replacement and new sets of stationeries were to be bought to ensure a smooth learning process.

The home’s chairman, Siti Sariah, was distraught when the usual aid giver relayed the news that they were unable to help with the 2020 school supply for the children of her home. “I then made a phone call to Mr. James of Yayasan Kebajikan Suria, JB and he immediately agreed to help us. I am very thankful to him and the Yayasan,” she said, while being occupied with the much younger children to decide on what shoes to pick.

James Ho, founder and chairman of Yayasan Kebajikan Suria, JB with the support of their patron Dato’ Soh Poh Seng said it is not a matter of budget but it is important to the foundation that the children gets the encouragement to study (in school) and this school supply aid is timely and useful for them. “Siti estimated RM80 per student and with the promotion going on at the place where we shopped; it was only RM60 per child. It is not much but it goes a long way for the children,” James said, with his son, Boon, helping him with the purchase.

RM1,216.29 in total was spent for all the 20 children where they received a new school bag, a pair of shoes, socks, stationery, note books, uniforms and more according to what each children needed.

When parting ways, Puan Siti told the 20 children of her home to thank James and his family who were present during the shopping, telling them firmly to pay attention in school and study well.