A Chance to Promote Silambam Nationwide


Indian Martial Art Silambam Will Make a Comeback in SUKMA 2020

The inclusion of Silambam in SUKMA 2020 is hailed as a great opportunity for associations and exponents to work together to make it a success, Malaysia Nanban reported.

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Persatuan Silambam Malaysia deputy president R.T. Uthayakumar said Silambam was first introduced in SUKMA 2007 as a showcase, and went on to be included as a competitive sport in two subsequent SUKMA events but was left out in the following years.

Photo courtesy of Persatuan Silambam Malaysia Negeri Perak

The traditional Indian martial art is being given another opportunity following a concerted effort led by Persatuan Silambam Malaysia and its president A. Visvalingam.

The effort also received the support and assistance of Youth and Sports Minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman as well as Johor state exco members Sheikh Umar Bagharib Ali and Dr. S. Ramakrishnan.

Selangor PKR vice-chairman Dr Shatishkumar Govindaraju called on silambam associations in all states to work with Persatuan Silambam Malaysia to provide opportunities for the exponents to help elevate the sport and secure its continued presence at national level.

SUKMA 2020 will be held in Johor from July 11 to 19.
