Port of Tanjung Pelepas and Lembaga Pelabuhan Johor Continue Ramadan Tradition with Bubur Lambuk and Hari Raya Aid Distribution For Local Communities

1,000 packs of bubur lambuk were distributed to orphanages, old folks’ homes, poverty-stricken families and the homeless within Gelang Patah and Johor Bahru.

Small group of PTP – LPJ volunteers reaching out to the underprivileged community has allowed the aid and bubur lambuk to reach those in need so we are able to spread more Ramadan cheer.

Port of Tanjung Pelepas Sdn Bhd (PTP), a member of MMC Group in collaboration with Lembaga Pelabuhan Johor (LPJ) continue to give back and help ease the burden of those from the less fortunate community in Gelang Patah and Johor Bahru with annual Tijarah Ramadan programme and Bubur Lambuk Distribution.

The CSR based programme was organised as part of a collaborative effort by both organizations to support and aid those in need and especially families affected post COVID-19 lockdown during the month of Ramadhan. 

A total of 200 underprivileged families from Kampung Ladang, Kampung Pok, Kampung Desa Paya Mengkuang, Kampung Tanjung Adang, Kampung Pekajang, Kampung Tiram Duku, Kampung Pulai and Larkin Flat Johor received food aid packages and cash in voucher throughout the three days of the programme.

The objective of this effort is thus not only to share the joy of sharing Ramadan iftar with the public but most importantly to strengthen the relationship between PTP staff and the local community.

In a statement, Kamaruzaman Munasir, General Manager of Johor Port Authority commented that “The distribution of food and financial throughout Ramadan is an annual activity that LPJ looks forward to organising with PTP. This year’s format, where volunteers were spread into small groups to reach out to the underprivileged community has allowed the aid and bubur lambuk to reach those in need so we are able to spread more Ramadan cheer by spending some time with the recipients”.

Marco Neelsen, Chief Executive Officer of PTP also remarked that PTP under the umbrella of MMC Group has always been at the forefront to champion social causes by investing resources into taking care of the sustainability of its community and environment respectively.

“With the transition into endemic phase, there are some parts of the community that are still affected post-COVID-19 lockdown. The objective of this effort is thus not only to share the joy of sharing Ramadan iftar with the public but most importantly to strengthen the relationship between PTP staff and the local community.”

Alimat Binti Arshat, a recipient of the aid from Kampung Tiram Duku said she was grateful to receive donations from PTP & LPJ. “Since COVID-19 hit us, it has been hard to get by without a fixed income. With this aid, I’m able to prepare a small Raya celebration for my family”. 

Prior to the distribution of aid, 40 PTP and LPJ volunteers distributed 1,000 packs of bubur lambuk cooked and packed by Kelab Usahawanita Bidadari, a single mother association based in Johor Bahru. As part of PTP’s initiative to reduce plastic usage, the savoury porridges were packed in food flasks and eco-friendly bowls and distributed to orphanages, old folks’ homes, poverty-stricken families and the homeless within Gelang Patah and Johor Bahru.

PTP in collaboration with LPJ has been implementing Tijarah Ramadan programme – Hari Raya Aid Distribution and Bubur Lambuk Distribution for more than 14 years. The programme not only helps the development of a sustainable community but also as an avenue for PTP staff to continuously give back to the community via CSR activities.