Prime Minister and Frontliners Receiving COVID-19 Vaccination Today

The much awaited vaccination programme rollout in Malaysia has finally begun

Prime Minister and Frontliners Receiving COVID-19 Vaccination Today
Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin receiving the Pfizer shot from vaccinator, Lina Ibrahim, Public Health Matron in Putrajaya Health Centre

Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin received the first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine today, 24th February 2021 as the national COVID-19 vaccination programme rolled out. Pictured receiving the vaccine together with him is Malaysia’s Health Director-General, Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah.

Four MOH frontline staffs were also among the early recipients of the COVID-19 vaccine along with the Prime Minister and Director General of Health from the vaccine who is also the Health Nurse of Precinct 9 Health Clinic, Mazirah Mokhtar.

The Prime Minister and Health DG then were photographed putting up a V signal indicating ‘I have had my vaccine’ post taking their shot. The duo then further promoted the awareness of using MySejahtera application to update their second appointment for follow up dosage. After vaccination, recipients would also get a vaccine appointment card.

The Ministry of Health reminded the public to update their MySejahtera app to install the vaccine button in their interface for registration purposes.

Registration for other categories of recipients (e.g. registering for dependents) will be opened in stages to avoid congestion.

Meanwhile, the method of registration for vaccine acceptance through the website the hotline will start on 5th March 2021.

**Information and images courtesy of Ministry of Health Malaysia Facebook page.