600,000 to be Immunised in Johor’s Phase Two

This time with senior citizens involved, National COVID-19 Immunisation Programme in Johor has rolled out from 29th April 2021

Johor Menteri Besar Datuk Ir. Haji Hasni Mohammad talking to one of the phase 2 vaccination recipient - Photo by Muhammad Aidil Hussein/MEDKOM

The second phase of the National COVID-19 Immunisation Programme, which has commenced in Johor, will involve 600,000 people, including senior citizens.

The scheme, according to Johor Menteri Besar Datuk Ir. Haji Hasni Mohammad, will be carried out in 21 administration centres, including nine MOH facilities and 12 public facilities.

With the new facilities, the state government hopes to be able to vaccinate 4,000 people every day, he said.

“So far, the management has been organised, and the MOH has not encountered any staff-related issues, as we also invite volunteers to assist people at administration centres in this second phase,” he said at a press conference after seeing the immunisation programme at Dewan Muafakat Johor Adda Height here.

He stated that 90% of the state’s frontline staff, or 35,100 people, had administered vaccines in the first round, and the others would be inoculated in the second round.

Hasni went on to say that the MySejahtera application had been used by 41% of the 2.9 million Johor residents who are entitled to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.