13-Year-Old Author’s Novel Charts #1 Children’s E-Book in Malaysia

'The Cat on the Bridge’ by Natalia Cheong


Most 13-year-olds dream of becoming authors, but Natalia Cheong’s dream turned into a reality when she met Ascendance at a programme conducted at her school a little over a year ago. Receiving encouragement from the international youth organization known for nurturing young entrepreneurs and talents, Natalia got to work to author her first children’s novel.

Two weeks ago, Ascendance proudly celebrated this milestone by hosting an exclusive book launch for Natalia Cheong’s ‘The Cat on the Bridge’, which later went on to chart #1 in the Children’s E-Book category in Malaysia (Google Play Books). Even the accompanying illustrations for the story were sketched by a 17-year-old and 13-year-old student. In attendance at the launch were Natalia’s beaming parents, as well as a special video message from her teacher, who first introduced the young writer to Ascendance.

An avid reader, Natalia first hosted Ascendance’s monthly book club for Gen Zs, before gaining the experience to pen her own story. “I think that for any writer, no matter the age, writing a book is a very surreal moment! I definitely didn’t think I would make it this far. I’ve made many different memories throughout my writing journey. If there were a way to describe everything in two words, it would be unforgettable and meaningful,” said Natalia Cheong, soon-to-be starting secondary school at Methodist Girls’ School, Kuala Lumpur.

“Well done, and congratulations on finishing your book, Natalia! I feel such a sense of pride when I think back over the last 8 or 9 months. I am so amazed that someone as young as you followed through with the project through your creative writing,” said Stephen and Joann, Natalia’s parents.

Expressing her gratitude, Natalia acknowledged the pivotal role of her parents and Ascendance’s co-founders, Mathura Kannan and Sanadtkumar Ganesan, in guiding and mentoring her through the highs and lows of her creative journey.

“I’m very grateful to have had four guides throughout my journey. The first two would, of course, be my parents. It’s no exaggeration to say that I couldn’t have done it without their unfailing love and extremely motivational pep talks! The others would be two of Ascendance’s founders, Mathura and Sanadt. They have mentored and guided me through each moment, the good and even the bad! I’m forever thankful for all their unfailing encouragement,” added Natalia, who learned to juggle between schoolwork, extracurricular activities, her responsibilities as an Ascendance Ambassador, and her now budding career as an author.

Ascendance, the publisher of ‘The Cat on the Bridge’, is a launchpad for more young talents, providing not just a platform but also the resources and guidance to help youngsters develop their passion, achieve success, and contribute meaningfully to society even at a tender age.

Ascendance is an international youth organisation dedicated to fostering entrepreneurship and leadership skills among young people. Through innovative peer-to-peer programs and mentorship, Ascendance empowers students to transform their ideas into sustainable ventures while positively impacting their communities and the world at large. For more information about Ascendance, visit www.ascendancepro.com.