This sea star goes beyond the usual expectations and can have between 5 to 9 arms as we usually spot them on the seagrass meadows of Mukim Tanjung Kupang with 6 or 8 arms. They seem to be seasonal creatures and are not always there. But when they appear, it’s a bevy of limbs!
While most sea stars usually have feet with tiny suckers on them, Luidia sea stars’ feet are pointy. They do not evert their stomachs to feed like other sea stars, but instead swallow their prey whole. They are quite a big species, and carnivorous – they eat crustaceans, molluscs and other sea stars buried in the sand. They reproduce by regrowth from detached limbs, but in spite of their size and fierce appearance, their arms can break off when disturbed or stressed.
Kelab Alami conducts seagrass habitat walks in the seagrass meadows at the lowest tides; if you are lucky, you might be able to spot this species. Log on to for more information.