Home HEALTH 6 Signs of Mental Stress

6 Signs of Mental Stress

Mental stress (image by Mehrpouya H)

Mental stress can happen to anyone and the consequences of this stressful situation can be devastating to some if not addressed. This article contains useful information on how to identify, understand and deal with a mental stress situation.

Constant lockdowns and dealing with the current pandemic is quite stressful as lives are no longer simple. Whether you are young or young at heart, it is likely that you are going through some pressure or mental stress of not being able to go to school and play with other children, work, socialise with others, or even make impromptu travel plans.

Therefore, it is essential to identify, understand and deal with mental stress situations. There are noteworthy signs of mental stress, as well as the possible consequences of a stressful situation.

Are you mentally stressed? You might be at the point where:

  1. You can’t concentrate and your mind is restless or fidgety;
  2. Your emotions are changing rapidly;
  3. You are experiencing mood swings;
  4. You feel irritated and frustrated;
  5. Your sleep has been disturbed; or,
  6. You have noticed that you are always ill.

These are some of the possible signs that you might be mentally stressed, and if you think you might be suffering from mental stress; take a moment to understand some of the possible causes:

An event or situation that upsets you which makes it difficult for you to cope, or changes your life in a way that is not easy for you to accept. It could also be an event or situation that reminds you of another upsetting experience in the past.

It could also be that this event or situation is causing you to stress because you fear that it will make your family, friends or workmates unhappy.

When you are mentally stressed, you might feel distressed or emotionally upset. Your feelings of mental stress may prevent you from enjoying the things that are important to you.

Another possible cause of mental stress could be the need for constant change and decisions in your life. There is a lot of pressure to achieve something for yourself and those around you.

What you should do if you are experiencing mental stress?

  • Studies show that powerful breathing techniques can help lower stress and improve focus. Each time you are feeling stressed out or anxious, take deep breaths and stay calm.
  • Exercising, doing yoga including laughter yoga or even martial arts helps one to de-stress. Not only it helps combat stress but it also keeps you fit and energetic.
  • If you are having negative thoughts and are unable to sleep, try aromatherapy. Research and studies show that aromatherapy can decrease anxiety and improve sleep (7T) – For example, it was proven that aroma inhalation could be a very effective stress management method for high school students and is recommended to be used as an effective nursing intervention for high school students.
  • If you have the habit of writing, try writing down or even recording what you are stressed about. Keeping a journal works for some people. Write down your thoughts and feelings to understand better of the situation and look for a positive side to it.
  • With homeschooling going on globally due to the pandemic, parents’ stress levels have doubled up from juggling between work, home and teaching their children. Depression kicks in and “fun” parents have turned unhappy due to lack of time and having to cope with everything. An Indian priest, Swaminarayan Gurukal was quoted on his website that, “Only happy parents can generate a happy generation. In order to create subconscious impressions on children’s minds, there should be good communication between the parents and children. Only parents who are free from stress can teach their children to live a stress-free life”. He shares some parenting tips on his website, and given the current situation we are all in, any form of help is always welcomed if it is suitable for you to follow.
  • Talk to someone. Speaking about your feelings to someone close to you helps to a large extent. If that doesn’t help, do seek professional medical help who may be able to advise you further on the next steps.

Although stress and anxiety may occur in your professional and personal life, we hope these strategies shared will alleviate the tensions and pressures you’re facing. Remember, you are not alone in this.


**This article is not meant to be a piece of medical advice. Do speak to a medical professional about the conditions and symptoms you are facing and seek necessary help soon.  

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