Twenty-Six Hotel General Managers dug into their own pockets to ‘order’ patchwork blankets at RM150 each to be sewn by single mothers, who derive the income and upon completion, the blankets will be given to the under-privileged elderly. A total of RM8700 were raised with orders of 58 pcs of the patchwork blankets. The charitable initiative is in collaboration with MOMO LOVE CONCEPT and the committee of The Malaysian Association of Hotels (MAH) Johor Chapter.
“Although the current pandemic and the phases of the movement control order had adversely affected hotels’ businesses but there are still people much worst off than us among our community,” said Ivan Teo, Chairman of the MAH Association.
“The MCO and subsequent phases have put much stress on households and based on authoritative reports, women are more often the victims of domestic abuse. We, the GMs are all thankful that we still have our jobs regardless of the uncertainties and hope that others in our society who are fortunate enough to receive a stable monthly income will make efforts to help others who are struggling to survive in these difficult times.”
“The mothers were very happy to receive the bulk order of blankets. Out of many initiatives we have, this empowerment programme is aimed at teaching single mothers life skills so that they can derive some income to support their dependents.”
“A few of the single mothers in our programme have many mouths waiting to be fed at home and some even have to support disabled children,” said Chris Pang, the founder of MOMO LOVE CONCEPT. The organisation has also identified needy elderly who live below the poverty line who require good blankets to sleep in, and to whom volunteers will distribute once all 58 blankets are sewn.
MOMO LOVE CONCEPT was a recipient of the Iskandar Malaysia Social Hero Awards (IMSHA) in 2019.